The MNS booth on the 1st floor of Pustaka Miri manned by Steve Dexter, branch life member, bird group member and Maye Yap, Head of Services, at it's opening. The event consists of a small exhibiton of MNS posters and images, drawing-coloring contest, minitalks and slideshows concluding with a member's dinner with the President on Saturday, 19th June 2010. It is followed by a fieldtrip to Tusan Cliffs to visit Miocene fossil beds at the beach the next day Sunday, 20th June. Branch members and members of the public were invited to all activities.

The MNS and MNS Miri Branch exhibition in conjunction with the MNS 70th Anniversary and Roadshow taking place 19-20th June at Pustaka Miri (1st floor foyer).

Young participants eagerly putting the inspiration on paper at the drawing-contest held at Pustaka Miri.

Tan Sri Dr Salleh Nor, President of MNS in his opening speech to members, the public and press at Pustaka Miri Auditorium. In his speech the President reiterated our 70th Anniversary message : Stop, Protect, Manage, Reduce:
Stop forest loss and degradation
a. Moratorium on conversion of any intact natural forest, particularly those within our Permanent Forest Reserves.
b. For state governments to undertake to amend to the National Forestry Act, and that the revised forest enactments to require prior notification of all proposed clearance/excisions, allowing for public participation and increased transparency
c. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) for climate change; protect critical swamp and lowland forests.
Protect Temengor
a. No issuance of new licenses for logging in Temengor
b. Phase out logging in Temengor (as promised by previous Chief Minister)
c. Gazette Temengor as a totally protected area
d. Increase enforcement on wildlife hunting and trade
Manage our marine and coastal environments
a. Manage and limit development in marine and coastal areas, including setting aside protected areas
b. Develop and include ecosystem-based management approach in management plans for all marine and coastal areas in the country.
Reduce our consumption patterns and carbon footprint
a. review and reduce reliance for dams and coal powered power plants, , in line with the Prime Minister’s pledge to reduce Malaysia’s emission intensity by up to 40% in 10 years.
b. adopt and implement with urgency, the National Policy on Climate Change, with emphasis on the development of a national climate change adaptation strategy.

Kumareson Paranthaman, Project Lead MNS Miri-ReefCheck project giving a presentation on Miri Reefs and project scope. Attendees were awed by a most informative presentation on the well kept secret of coral reefs in Miri complete with majestic views of our marine treasures.

Edric Liew Wei Sheng's (SJKC Chung Hwa Lutong, 10 years) winning picture at the drawing-coloring contest held at the 1st floor foyer of Pustaka Miri.

Amy Liew Xiu Jie's (SKJC Chung Hwa Lutong, 10 years) 2nd prize winning picture.

Siti Khadijah's (Sekolah Agama Miri, 10 years), 3rd prize winning picture.

Lucas Johny, our branch member from the early days of our formation back in 1996 with Sara Wong, current Branch Vice Chairperson, Maye Yap and Wee Chin, MNS membership officer.
Dinner with Tan Sri Dr Salleh Nor

Premkumar Gunasagaran, new member and recently elected President of Curtin University Geology Club and our resident artist Malek Adenan.

Faye Osman and one of our new member Anis Azmani from Curtin University Geology Club.

Maye making a plea for MNS causes at our sit down dinner with the President at Kelab Rekreasi Petroleum, Lutong.

Musa Musbah, branch committee member, bird group member and branch firefly (cfz) focalpoint relating his past experience participating in branch activities and causes.

Our President acknowledging potential contribution from our young and vibrant generation towards meaningful grassroot conservation efforts and the push needed to further the cause of MNS as a homegrown membership based conservation society.
More stories to follow.
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