Surround view of the beach from the top of the cliff.

How to get to Baraya Laut Resort : Drive from Miri towards Bakam/Bekenu, drive past Kpg Beraya Lama junction, past Sg Beraya Bridge, past Beraya Baru Beach junction (right), immediately past Kpg Beraya Baru junction (market visible, left). Baraya Laut Resort is on the right, it's yellow/orange guardhouse visible from the road immediately past Kpg Beraya Baru junction. There's a small signboard on the right. Turn right and drive up the gravel road. On the map, Miri is NorthEast, Bekenu SouthWest direction.
We have recently discovered a well hidden gem flushed with that sophisticated ambience, elusive understated elegance, unhindered seaside vistas and a whole chunk of secluded sandy beach ... Baraya Laut Resort.
We have found the perfect spot to hold our 2010 Branch AGM!
Ernyza, our AGM focal point this year might infuse other interesting activities other than our usual presentations post AGM.
Our tentative program:
16th July Friday:
[Pre-AGM activities 1 ]
1600hrs Check-in
1800hrs Sunset and birdwatching
2000hrs Dinner at Sin Chiong
2200hrs Stargazing or Beachfishing or Nite Beachcombing according to taste.
17th July Saturday:
[Pre-AGM activities 2 ]
0630hrs Meet at Resort
0700hrs Beachwalk/Birdwatch or explore the compound after breakfast
1200hrs Lunch in Bekenu
1300hrs Leisure to explore the surroundings or soak in the ambience of the place.
[AGM program proper]
1600hrs Start of AGM
1) Confirmation of 2009/10 AGM minutes
2) Confirmation of Meeting Agenda
3) Chairman's 2009/10 Report, Acceptance of Chairman's Report
4) Treasurer's 2009/10 Report, Acceptance of Treasurer's Report
5) Election for 2010/11 EXCO
6) Short Welcome speech by Incoming Chairperson
7) End of AGM
[Post AGM activities 3 for those staying for dinner]
1800hrs Start of BBQ and group dinner
2000hrs Mini-Presentations and discussions (20 mins each):
1) Musa on CFZ Firefly Survey Northern Region, Merdeka Fund Application under MNS Miri
2) Nazeri on Waterbirds Survey Coastal Sarawak, Merdeka Fund Application under BCC-WG
3) Open slot for any members who wants to share
2100hrs Stargazing or Nite Beachcombing or Nite Fishing according to taste
18th July Sunday:
[Post AGM activities 4 for those staying overnite]
0630hrs Beachwalk or Surfing according to taste after simple breakfast
1200hrs Checkout / Lunch at Bekenu
Puteri will be conducting the AGM as Acting Secretary.
Ernyza will be in charge of F&B for the AGM assisted by Anura and Amalia.
Nazeri will be focal point for presentations.
The Resort is equipped with small items to tide over your stay. There is a small kampong nearby that can perhaps fulfill your other needs, in any case Bekenu town is only 10 minutes drive away.

Frontal view of the main bungalow.

Side view of the bungalow.

View of the front sitting room from the sundeck.

The sitting room with the expansive view of the skyline.

Plenty of glass panels all around for an unobstructed 360 degree view of the surroundings.

Soaking in the scenery from the elevated sundeck.

The well apportioned kitchen comes complete with a refrigerator, gas stove and dining table, perfect for a family breakfast.

The beach.

Soon to be opened cliffside chalet expected completion Oct 2010. This is the view from the daybed, sans lacey curtains and pillows.

Silhouette of a romantic hide-away, it has a jacuzzi with a skyview when ready by Anura Dason.

Sandstone cliffs fringe the beach all the way to Tusan onwards to Tanjong Batu, Peliau and Bungai ... beachcombers' heaven.

Twigs in the sand.

A abandoned structure, a perfect anchor for the seemingly endless horizon.

Reflection of first light on a billowy cloud formation.

Sunset by Anura Dason.
All members to please email mnsmiri@yahoo.com to confirm your attendance to our AGM, please state which programs you intend to participate in:
Pre AGM 1 : Joining Friday evening activities
Pre AGM 2 : Joining Saturday morning activities
AGM only : Joining AGM only 4-6pm
Post AGM 3 : Joining group dinner and presentations
Post AGM 4: Joing Sunday morning activities
ALL : If you are going to be with us the whole weekend.
Accomodation charges which not covered by our Branch AGM budget will be on a shared basis based on usage and number of attendees. Presently the Resort charges $150/nite for 5 adults and $15/head for additional adults.
Here's to a successfull AGM!