Dear Valued Members,
It's been a manic June as well, the same as April and May, so manic to the point that we missed June's updates and news! The 2 weeks Gawai break didn't help!
We'll try to catch up with this July's update.
A warm welcome to our latest new members : Edward, Haidar, Dr Adeline, Cecilia and Chee.
Members, please don't forget those brilliant suggestions on what activities you'd be partial to volunteer for and would like to see offered by MNS Miri Branch.
AGM is upon us again, I urge all members to attend the AGM. Better still offer your time, expertise and vision to EXCO to forge forward with the Branch.
1. Kinabalu Triple, 14-16th May Kinabalu National Park
It was a long weekend, especially for the climbers! But we all had fun. The climbers successfully hoisted teh Tapir up to the summit. Our astronomers and birdwatchers captured the imagination and engaged 40 scondary school students and their teachers that weekend with birdwatching, stargazing (we saw one or two amidst Ranau cloudy nite) and rocket launches.
a. Mount Kinabalu Climb Arriving, 14th May
Sara, Faye and team successfully scaled the mountains amidst unusually windy weekend.
b. Birdwatching with Students at KNP (extention of WMBD 2010 in Sabah)
Nazeri, Musa spent the day with MNS Sabah EXCO and members to enthrall the children about Sabah endemics at Kinabalu Park. A first collaboration between the two branches.
c. Astronomy with designated Kundasang School 15-16th May
CK Lim, Kong fully engaged the children with stellar objects as well as water rocket building and launch.
Check out the write-up on our blog. Tapir on Mt Kinabalu appeared on the The Star newspaper.
2. SFC Conservation Education Program at Loagan Bunut, 22-23rd May
We unfortunately were unable to participate nor send any of our NEC guys over to participate.
3. Short Sojourn in Long Lamai, 28th May-01st June
Sara, Faye, Sian and Wee Ming spend the extended weekend with the Penan community at Long Lamai, spend sometime with the kids you-youtubing and face-booking at e-Lamai as well as explore the nearby villages and waterfalls.
4. Visit to Turtle Conservation Center, Kpg Mangkok, Setiu 29th May
Nazeri had the opportunity to visit this small center that conduct amazing conservation and outreach work on river turtles along Sg Setiu (part of the Setiu Wetlands) by Prof Chan and Pelf Nyok. If you are looking for examples effective grassroots action at work, please check them out. The river turtles couldn't have anyone more qualified to speak on their behalf.
5. MY Garden Birdwatch, 5 and 6th June, in your own garden and backyard
Though this wasn't as big a big we expected in Sarawak mainly due to the long holidays, a few of our members successfully birdwatch and their backyard and submitted their sightings. MNS Kuching kicked off a grand training session at the Sarawak Biodiversity Council premises with more than 240 students.
6. MNS National Roadshow, Pustaka Miri, 19-20th June
The Branch pulled this off without any major hitch and successfully hold an exhibit of branch activities, offered mini-talks at the Pustaka as well as conduct a free fieldtrip to Tusan for fossil hunting.
The President spoke of our push for the next few years to an audience of more than 150 people including representatives from several local press including RTM1; Kumar presented the MNS Miri-Reefcheck Project; Charlie, William engaged participants on fossils and geology at Tusan Beach the next day.
The President also had an opportunity to engaged our young members from Curtin University at a group sit-down dinner held at Kelab Rekreasi Petroleum, Lutong.
7. SFC CEP Program with SK Kelapa Sawit near Lambir 26th June
Puteri, Sara, Faye, and Musa were on hand to engage the children during their program by officers of SFC and Lambir Hills National Park.
1. Sg Miri Fireflies with Musa, 10th July, Kpg Padang Kerbau Jetty (PM)
Musa will be checking out fireflies along Sg Miri with a few interested members. If keen, please contact Musa directly. This is a shared-cost activity. Please contact Musa for details.
2. MNS Miri Branch AGM 17th July, 4-6pm at Baraya Laut Resort, Beraya
Please refer to the official annoucement on this blog. Members are encouraged to attend the program put forth by the current committee. Members who are interested to run for any of the EXCO positions are encouraged to do so, please contact us for more details.
3. International Firefly Symposium, 02-05th August, Holiday Villa, Subang
Musa will be attending this program to enhance his firefly knowledge as preparation for potential work in the area. Please read our Sarawak Fireflies blog
http://sarawakfireflies.blogspot.com/ for attractive rates for members.
4. MBBG Kuala Baram Lagoon Vigil, 14-15th August, 21-22nd August (AM)
Weekend vigil for migrant waders and other waterbirds ecpected to reach our shores by this time. All are invited to checkout the early arrivals, some should probably still be in their vibrant breeding summer colours.
5. MBBG Bario Weekend for Waterbirds 28-31st August
A long weekend photographing, recording and video-taping all manner of waterbirds in the paddyfields of Bario. We are expecting Wood Sandpiper, Common Moorhen and other early migrants that make their stopover in Bario. Flights $185/return; accomodation $70/person perday full board.
6. Advance announcement :
a) Trek/Birdwatch Gunung Murud, 18-23rd October 2010This trip is confirmed, final costing is being finalised. Fly Bakelalan, trek Mt Murud, fly Miri via Lawas. Opportunity for extended birdwatching at Church camp for those who suffer from fear of heights (like Nazeri). We have 4 more places open. Participants will be ask to send in their deposits by end of July.
We will be hiring guides and porters as required.
7) Trek/Birdwatch Nepal, April/May 2011Details can be viewed at MNS Miri Events on Facebook. Further details will be shared with members once Air Asia published their cheaprates for 2011. Expected costs MYR$4000.
1. A big THANK YOU to members who've taken the time to renew their membership.
Those who havent, please do so at your earliest convenience. Please contact us if you require assistance or more information on how to renew your membership painlessly and hassle free.
You can now bank in to either Maybank (Account No: 012138304679) or HSBC (Account No: 305194920108) beneficiary name "Malaysian Nature Society".
Please email notifications to
membership@mns.org.myPlease take time to renew your membership, your Society needs your support. If you need assistance, please contact us.
2. Please keep updated with Branch activities via our blog and Facebook
Do keep abreast with weekly activities via our blogspot especially for those quick events, they normally crystalize by Thursday latest.
Go to
http://mnsmiri.blogspot.com/For Facebook, please search for "MNS Miri".
We need writers and pictures for our blogs, Pencinta Alam, Malaysian Naturalists ... blog contributors are welcomed.
If you think you are not great at writing, just jot something down anyway, we've got folks who can help you put out a nice story for the blog. If you have articles, write-ups and pictures to share, please don not hesitate to contact us.
These stories or pictorials can be uploaded in any of one our blogs.
Please email any comments, suggestions to
mnsmiri@yahoo.com or leave your comments on this blog.
3. Binoculars for beginner/intermediate birders
We have recently taken delivery of 15 units of 8x40 BAK4 prism binoculars from our suppliers. Members who has booked a unit or two to please contact Nazeri for payment and delivery.
Those who've booked but haven't pick up:
Steve Dexter 2xunits
Remli Adenan 1xunit
Anne King 1xunit
Maye Yap 2xunits
The binoculars are available for sale to members and non-members, please email Nazeri for details.

A rugged, rubberised BAk4 prism equipped value for money bino.
Thank you and kindest regards,
Nazeri Abghani
on behalf of MNS Miri Branch Committee