Day One.
We arrived Long Banga after our short 55mins flights on the dwarfish Twin Otter De Havilland, there were 8 other passengers on the plane with us. They are all Penan coming for the holidays. The boys all sported dark glasses and red Mohican coiffure.
We took a boat from Long Banga to Long Lamai, almost two hours of clear gurgling mountain streams ... first downstream and then upstream to Long Lamai proper. Due to the shallow water level in both rivers our Penan boatman, Wilson had to get out and pushed from behind.
At Long Lamai we put up at Penghulu Wilson Bedian Bare's house. Basic but clean and hospitable. On arrival we were introduced to several village elders and James Kesok, the man we came to see. James fondly recounted their adventures to Tokong Payah during the Bajawi mini expedition. Conveyed his warmest regards to Tony and Rabani.
A short walkabout around the village, we shook hands with almost everyone who came out to see us. Fruiting trees are all around the settlement, there was free flow of langsat and mata kuching all around!
That evening we treated ourselves to a long and cool dip in the nearby river together with several Penan kids who were intent on showing us the right way to do it. How refreshing!
Day Two
We attended church service in Penan in the next morning. Earlier in the morning we were woken up by a sorrowful hymn in both Malay and Penan around 0500hrs.
A maggie curry breakfast.
In the afternoon we attempted Long Puak trek but ended up halfway on the Long Banga trail instead.
A simple lunch of fried brinjal and eggsoup.
A hot afternoon nap. Being Sunday, everyone's at Wilson's house expecting and receiving calls. apparently the Penghulu's is the only house with a sat phone.
Met up with Ken who was one of the young boys who chaperoned Tony and Rabani in our October mini expedition to Ba Jawi. Ken sends his warmest regards to both Tony and Rabani.
An early nite after a simple meal of maggie-curried vegetable and egg soup. Lullabied by an Akon's and traditional sape mix.
Day Three
A maggie curry breakfast.
A short but insightful chat with James.
Another attempt to trek Long Puak. This time we got the trail right ... after getting to the end of the trail we doubted ourselves and backtracked several times. Apparent we were right the first time, just that we couldnt werent able to find ourselves the right path to Long Puak. We could already see the zinc rooftop of the longhouse.
Lessons learnt: use a local guide always. Long Lamai is not a national park, none of the trails were marked. The Long Puak trail is crissed-crossed with many other trails leading to all sorts of places we didn't want to go to. The locals are well versed with each and every trail, we obviously not.
Simple lunch of rice, paku and river fish.
Email, blog and FB at e-Lamai.
Continues ...
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Our Ulu Walkabout
We gave up 7D/6N SgNiah-Sg Suai Walkabout and Coastal Camping for a 7D/6N Ulu Walkabout. This will be one of many of our planned forays to the interior for 2010.
Our intended itenarary:
Miri - Long Banga - Long Lamai - Lio Matoh - Long Tungan - Long Selaan - Long Moh - Long Aeng - Long Ajeng - Long Lamam - Long Banga - Miri
We'll only be passing thru some places, spending a couple of nites in others.
It'll be our first great opportunity to sample the ulu sceneries, lifestyles and soak in the ulu vibes so often spoken, written about these days; as well as to reconnect with old friends and make new ones.
Bags are packed, leech socks ready ...

An original inhabitant of the ulu from days gone by. Photo (c) D. B. Ellis 1975 "The Malayan Nature Journal", Volume 28 (1974/75), Part 3 & 4 June 1975.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Penans Establish 'Peace Park' to Push Back Loggers
by Matthew McDermott, New York, NY. Dec 2009

Penan elders at Long Ajeng proclaiming the "Penan Peace Park". Photo by BMF.
Here's one solution to holding back loggers: Bruno Manser Fonds reports seventeen Penan communities in Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia have proclaimed a new tropical forest reserve on their lands. The newly inaugurated Penan Peace Park will preserve their last remaining undisturbed forests from development, allowing tourism and preserving their culture.
Our Heritage Must Be PreservedA former regional chief in the region, James Lalo Kesoh described the necessity of establishing the park:
Our Heritage Must Be PreservedA former regional chief in the region, James Lalo Kesoh described the necessity of establishing the park:
"As nomadic hunter-gatherers, we Penan people have been roaming the rainforests of the Upper Baram region for centuries. Even though we have settled down and started life as farmers sicne the late 1950s, we still depend on the forests for our food supply, for raw materials such as rattan for handicrafts, for medicinal plants and for other jungle products. Our entire cultural heritage is in the forest and needs to be preserved for future generations."
The Penan Peace Park consists of about 163,000 hectares around the Gunung Murud Kecil mountain range, near the border of Indonesia.
The Penan people in the region have opposed logging in their rainforest for the past three decades, repeatedly blocking roads and taking direct action against encroachments.
"Tana' Lalun Penan" in the midst of highly contested prime logging areas. Photo: BMF.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
NG Article: Asia's Wildlife Trade

Article by Bryan Christy and photograph by Mark Leong.
Shocking account of Asia Wildlife Trade, the top dog is a Malaysian with friends in high places!
Read full article here.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Birdwatching trip to Sundar, Lawas
We have heard so much enticing news about Brunei Bay. The bay itself covers a huge area, we plan to pay our first visit there during AWC 2010 to check out the place.
We plan to be in Sundar 5-7th February via Lawas, an extended weekend visit involving a flight to Lawas from Miri, van/car to Kpg Awat-Awat or Kpg Punang, boat rides along the mangroves to checkout wildlife and birds, homestay either at Kpg Punang or Kpg Awat-Awat, more rounds of boatrides the following day. We expect to fly back from Lawas to Miri on Sunday.
Travel details, participants are expected to book the following flights to Lawas and back.
Flights Inbound:
MH3510 Miri-Lawas Fri, 05 Feb 07:50 08:35 MYR 75.00 (recommended)
MH3512 Miri-Lawas Fri, 05 Feb 11:25 12:10 MYR 75.00
MH3516 Miri-Lawas Fri, 05 Feb 14:45 15:30 MYR 75.00
MH3518 Miri-Lawas Fri, 05 Feb 16:50 17:35 MYR 75.00
Flights Outbound:
MH3511 Lawas-Miri Sun, 07 Feb 08:50 09:35 MYR 75.00
MH3513 Lawas-Miri Sun, 07 Feb 13:45 14:30 MYR 75.00
MH3517 Lawas-Miri Sun, 07 Feb 15:45 16:30 MYR 75.00
MH3519 Lawas-Miri Sun, 07 Feb 17:50 18:35 MYR 75.00 (recommended)
We'll arrrange transport, local homestay and boat requirements for the census with our contact in in Lawas. Birdwatchers and volunteer census takers are encouraged to participate, please email for more details.
Visits to Sundar recently by friends reported "many plovers", "so many Kentish Plovers", "heronries" and "you'll definitely be bowled over by this place".
The following is an excerpt on the area near Sundar which has been slowly peaking up our expectations.
"Site description
The mangroves are orientated in a west-east direction, about 20 km in length, and stretches from Kuala Trusan to Tanjung Perepat. Localised erosion is evident east of the mangrove headland i.e. north-west of Kampung Awat-Awat. Accreting mangrove fringe accompanied by extensive intertidal mudflats occur prominently at the mouth of Sungai Trusan (the area's main river), Kuala Bangau, Kuala Kenaljam and Tanjung Perepat.
At Kuala Trusan, the flats extend up to 3 km offshore at low tide and consist of a complicated series of deep water channels with areas of exposed sediment forming 'islands'. The deposits at the rivermouth consist of pure, fine-grained muds and gradually replaced by course sand particles as it extend seaward. Some of the most seaward deposts consist primarily of pure course grained sands. The estuary is sheltered by Pulau Labuan and peninsular to the north-east (Howes and NPWO, 1986).
The birds
The Trusan-Sundar mudflats and sandflats are important wintering and staging sites for globally threatened waterbirds especially shorebirds and egrets especially at Kuala Trusan and Kampung Awat-Tanjung Perepat stretch.
The Malaysian Plover Charadrius peronii resides along some beach stretches in the estuary (Howes and NPWO, 1986). Four pairs in breeding plumage were seen in November 1995 on the sandy beaches at the mouth of Sg. Kabab (Sebastian, 1995).
Grey-headed Fish Eagle Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus was recorded from Sg. Trusan-Sundar and Sg. Kabab (Sebastian, 1995).
Three Great-billed Heron Ardea sumatrana were observed in Nov 1995 along Sg. Trusan-Sundar and Sg. Kabab (Sebastian, 1995), the only record of this species for Sarawak.
Protection Status
The majority of the Trusan-Sundar mangroves are contained within the Kenalian, Bumbun and Terentang Forest Reserves, where logging has been extremely intensive. Areas up to 1 ha or more have been virtually clear-felled. Only the area between Sungai Sepatai and Sungai Awat-Awat is relatively untouched with a more or less intact canopy.
Howes and NPWO (1986) proposed the creation of a Wildlife Sanctuary and management of the mangrove production forest. Under the proposal, the site forms a link with areas in Brunei Darussalam as an International Coastal Resource Conservation Area.
Salter and MacKenzie (1981) proposed the undisturbed mangroves between Kuala Bangau and Kuala Trusan to be made a Wildlife Sanctuary for the protection of Proboscis Monkeys (Nasalis larvatus).
Conservation issues
Landuse within the Trusan-Sundar mangrove area includes;Large scale production forest (mangrove) for producing cord wood for export to Taiwan.
Other activities:
Local fish smoking industry and small scale fishing for domestic consumption.
Small scale hunting of Sambar Deer (Cervus unicolor) and Wild Pig (Sus scrofa).
Fishing, opening up of land for cultivation and settlements.
The continuation of large scale clear-felling of mangrove areas without proper management and sustainability is one of the most prominent threat to the site. Illegal logging have also been reported.
The occurrence of these two activities have impacted the soils here as they are highly susceptible to the acid sulphate condition after clearance.
The damming of Sungai Trusan would likely to affect the silt load and continued accretion of intertidal zone. "
Excerpts from :BirdLife International (2009) Important Bird Area factsheet: Brunei Bay, Malaysia. Downloaded from the Data Zone at on 28/7/2009
If Sundar proves to be a superb place for waterbirds, we may incorporate the area as part of our AWC sites for the years to come.
We plan to be in Sundar 5-7th February via Lawas, an extended weekend visit involving a flight to Lawas from Miri, van/car to Kpg Awat-Awat or Kpg Punang, boat rides along the mangroves to checkout wildlife and birds, homestay either at Kpg Punang or Kpg Awat-Awat, more rounds of boatrides the following day. We expect to fly back from Lawas to Miri on Sunday.
Travel details, participants are expected to book the following flights to Lawas and back.
Flights Inbound:
MH3510 Miri-Lawas Fri, 05 Feb 07:50 08:35 MYR 75.00 (recommended)
MH3512 Miri-Lawas Fri, 05 Feb 11:25 12:10 MYR 75.00
MH3516 Miri-Lawas Fri, 05 Feb 14:45 15:30 MYR 75.00
MH3518 Miri-Lawas Fri, 05 Feb 16:50 17:35 MYR 75.00
Flights Outbound:
MH3511 Lawas-Miri Sun, 07 Feb 08:50 09:35 MYR 75.00
MH3513 Lawas-Miri Sun, 07 Feb 13:45 14:30 MYR 75.00
MH3517 Lawas-Miri Sun, 07 Feb 15:45 16:30 MYR 75.00
MH3519 Lawas-Miri Sun, 07 Feb 17:50 18:35 MYR 75.00 (recommended)
We'll arrrange transport, local homestay and boat requirements for the census with our contact in in Lawas. Birdwatchers and volunteer census takers are encouraged to participate, please email for more details.
Visits to Sundar recently by friends reported "many plovers", "so many Kentish Plovers", "heronries" and "you'll definitely be bowled over by this place".
The following is an excerpt on the area near Sundar which has been slowly peaking up our expectations.
"Site description
The mangroves are orientated in a west-east direction, about 20 km in length, and stretches from Kuala Trusan to Tanjung Perepat. Localised erosion is evident east of the mangrove headland i.e. north-west of Kampung Awat-Awat. Accreting mangrove fringe accompanied by extensive intertidal mudflats occur prominently at the mouth of Sungai Trusan (the area's main river), Kuala Bangau, Kuala Kenaljam and Tanjung Perepat.
At Kuala Trusan, the flats extend up to 3 km offshore at low tide and consist of a complicated series of deep water channels with areas of exposed sediment forming 'islands'. The deposits at the rivermouth consist of pure, fine-grained muds and gradually replaced by course sand particles as it extend seaward. Some of the most seaward deposts consist primarily of pure course grained sands. The estuary is sheltered by Pulau Labuan and peninsular to the north-east (Howes and NPWO, 1986).
The birds
The Trusan-Sundar mudflats and sandflats are important wintering and staging sites for globally threatened waterbirds especially shorebirds and egrets especially at Kuala Trusan and Kampung Awat-Tanjung Perepat stretch.
The Malaysian Plover Charadrius peronii resides along some beach stretches in the estuary (Howes and NPWO, 1986). Four pairs in breeding plumage were seen in November 1995 on the sandy beaches at the mouth of Sg. Kabab (Sebastian, 1995).
Grey-headed Fish Eagle Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus was recorded from Sg. Trusan-Sundar and Sg. Kabab (Sebastian, 1995).
Three Great-billed Heron Ardea sumatrana were observed in Nov 1995 along Sg. Trusan-Sundar and Sg. Kabab (Sebastian, 1995), the only record of this species for Sarawak.
Protection Status
The majority of the Trusan-Sundar mangroves are contained within the Kenalian, Bumbun and Terentang Forest Reserves, where logging has been extremely intensive. Areas up to 1 ha or more have been virtually clear-felled. Only the area between Sungai Sepatai and Sungai Awat-Awat is relatively untouched with a more or less intact canopy.
Howes and NPWO (1986) proposed the creation of a Wildlife Sanctuary and management of the mangrove production forest. Under the proposal, the site forms a link with areas in Brunei Darussalam as an International Coastal Resource Conservation Area.
Salter and MacKenzie (1981) proposed the undisturbed mangroves between Kuala Bangau and Kuala Trusan to be made a Wildlife Sanctuary for the protection of Proboscis Monkeys (Nasalis larvatus).
Conservation issues
Landuse within the Trusan-Sundar mangrove area includes;Large scale production forest (mangrove) for producing cord wood for export to Taiwan.
Other activities:
Local fish smoking industry and small scale fishing for domestic consumption.
Small scale hunting of Sambar Deer (Cervus unicolor) and Wild Pig (Sus scrofa).
Fishing, opening up of land for cultivation and settlements.
The continuation of large scale clear-felling of mangrove areas without proper management and sustainability is one of the most prominent threat to the site. Illegal logging have also been reported.
The occurrence of these two activities have impacted the soils here as they are highly susceptible to the acid sulphate condition after clearance.
The damming of Sungai Trusan would likely to affect the silt load and continued accretion of intertidal zone. "
Excerpts from :BirdLife International (2009) Important Bird Area factsheet: Brunei Bay, Malaysia. Downloaded from the Data Zone at on 28/7/2009
If Sundar proves to be a superb place for waterbirds, we may incorporate the area as part of our AWC sites for the years to come.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Nite Walk at Lambir Hills this Saturday 12th December
Peter Pillai will be leading a nite walk into the main trails of Lambir Hills National Park this Saturday. Branch members, friends the public are invited to take a quick peek into what's up and about in a rainforest after the sun goes down.
Meeting Place : Lambir Hills National Park
Date : 12th December 2009 (Yep! This weekend)
Time : 1800 hrs at the ticket counter or nearby
Please bring a poncho or umbrella in case it rains, a change of clothing, torchlight, camera and please wear covered shoes. The trip will continue in light rain and will only be cancelled in case of a heavy thunderstorm.
For more details (or require carpool), please email Peter at

One of our cool regulars on the nitewalk.
Meeting Place : Lambir Hills National Park
Date : 12th December 2009 (Yep! This weekend)
Time : 1800 hrs at the ticket counter or nearby
Please bring a poncho or umbrella in case it rains, a change of clothing, torchlight, camera and please wear covered shoes. The trip will continue in light rain and will only be cancelled in case of a heavy thunderstorm.
For more details (or require carpool), please email Peter at

One of our cool regulars on the nitewalk.
Monday, December 7, 2009
BTRR Photography Challenge 2010
As part of their ongoing efforts to promote the resort as an excellent nature get-aways short ways away from the city, Borneo Tropical Rainforest Resort, Lambir Hills has launched the BTRR Photographic Challenge 2010, open to all especially targetting shutterbugs in the area.

One of the local models commonly found in Lambir Hills.
Some pertinent rules and regulations of the Challenge:
(10) Photographers submitted for the contest must be taken from 10 December 2009 to 30 January 2010,within the Resort’s premises.
(11) Participating photographers will need to register with the Resort (at Sales Office located at Lot 101, Airportroad, Miri (c/o Syarikat Kai Nguong Nursery (M) S/B 8.00am-12pm and 2pm to 5pm on weekdays).
Please submit a photo ID, registration form and pay refundable deposit of RM50.00.
The Resort will issue one unlimited free day pass for the participants only (valid from 10 December 2009 to 30 January 2010).
The deposit will be refunded when entries (CD and 5 copies of color prints) are received. Please return day pass.
(12) All expenses incurred are the sole responsibility of the photographer.
The Resort will provide discount to participants.
Discount on stays only valid from 01 January 2010 to 31 January 2010:
All participants are entitled one night single/double standard room with breakfast at RM100.00++ perroom/per night.
Subsequent nights from RM130.00++ per room/per night (with breakfast). Participants enjoy a further 30% off for all food and beverage.
Any additional room(s) from RM130.00++ (with breakfast) per room/per night and 30% off for all food and beverage.
Please visit this link for full disclosure on the rules and regulation of the BTRR Photographic Challenge 2010.
Download registration for here.
Please visit Borneo Tropical Rainforest Resort for more information about the challenge and to find out more of the resort's promotions.
Category (1) – Landscape/Wildlife/Nature
1st Prize:
1xRM1,000.00 cash + certificate + one night stay at chalet for 2 persons (inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner)
2nd Prize:
1xRM750.00 cash + certificate + one night stay at standard room for 2 persons (inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner).
3rd Prize:
1xRM500.00 cash + certificate
Consolation Prize X 5: RM100.00 cash + certificate
Category (2) – Facilities/Building/Food & Beverage
1st Prize:
1xRM1,000.00 cash + certificate + one night stay at chalet for 2 persons (inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner)
2nd Prize:
1xRM750.00 cash + certificate + one night stay at standard room for 2 persons (inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner).
3rd Prize:
1xRM500.00 cash + certificate
Consolation Prize:
5xRM100.00 cash + certificate
(1) Senior Citizen Recognition
(2) Most Entries
Prizes for the Model Shooting Contest on 07 February 2010 are as follows:
1st Prize:
1xRM500.00 cash + one night stay at chalet for 2 persons (inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner)
2nd Prize:
1xRM300.00 cash
3rd Prize:
1xRM200.00 cash
Consolation Prize:
5xRM100.00 cash
Resort Contact:
Clement Chin 019 8859053 / Lily Law 013 8341893 / Steven Hii 019 8489891
Miri Photographic Society Contact:
Siew Teck Chai 019 8843690 / Leong Siew Kuan 019 8840668
MNS Miri members are encouraged to participate in this challenge.

One of the local models commonly found in Lambir Hills.
Some pertinent rules and regulations of the Challenge:
(10) Photographers submitted for the contest must be taken from 10 December 2009 to 30 January 2010,within the Resort’s premises.
(11) Participating photographers will need to register with the Resort (at Sales Office located at Lot 101, Airportroad, Miri (c/o Syarikat Kai Nguong Nursery (M) S/B 8.00am-12pm and 2pm to 5pm on weekdays).
Please submit a photo ID, registration form and pay refundable deposit of RM50.00.
The Resort will issue one unlimited free day pass for the participants only (valid from 10 December 2009 to 30 January 2010).
The deposit will be refunded when entries (CD and 5 copies of color prints) are received. Please return day pass.
(12) All expenses incurred are the sole responsibility of the photographer.
The Resort will provide discount to participants.
Discount on stays only valid from 01 January 2010 to 31 January 2010:
All participants are entitled one night single/double standard room with breakfast at RM100.00++ perroom/per night.
Subsequent nights from RM130.00++ per room/per night (with breakfast). Participants enjoy a further 30% off for all food and beverage.
Any additional room(s) from RM130.00++ (with breakfast) per room/per night and 30% off for all food and beverage.
Please visit this link for full disclosure on the rules and regulation of the BTRR Photographic Challenge 2010.
Download registration for here.
Please visit Borneo Tropical Rainforest Resort for more information about the challenge and to find out more of the resort's promotions.
Category (1) – Landscape/Wildlife/Nature
1st Prize:
1xRM1,000.00 cash + certificate + one night stay at chalet for 2 persons (inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner)
2nd Prize:
1xRM750.00 cash + certificate + one night stay at standard room for 2 persons (inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner).
3rd Prize:
1xRM500.00 cash + certificate
Consolation Prize X 5: RM100.00 cash + certificate
Category (2) – Facilities/Building/Food & Beverage
1st Prize:
1xRM1,000.00 cash + certificate + one night stay at chalet for 2 persons (inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner)
2nd Prize:
1xRM750.00 cash + certificate + one night stay at standard room for 2 persons (inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner).
3rd Prize:
1xRM500.00 cash + certificate
Consolation Prize:
5xRM100.00 cash + certificate
(1) Senior Citizen Recognition
(2) Most Entries
Prizes for the Model Shooting Contest on 07 February 2010 are as follows:
1st Prize:
1xRM500.00 cash + one night stay at chalet for 2 persons (inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner)
2nd Prize:
1xRM300.00 cash
3rd Prize:
1xRM200.00 cash
Consolation Prize:
5xRM100.00 cash
Resort Contact:
Clement Chin 019 8859053 / Lily Law 013 8341893 / Steven Hii 019 8489891
Miri Photographic Society Contact:
Siew Teck Chai 019 8843690 / Leong Siew Kuan 019 8840668
MNS Miri members are encouraged to participate in this challenge.
The time for counting waterbirds, trudging into swamps and negotiating mudflats is upon us again, how quick time flies ...

Typical haunts for waterbirds.

Not the typical attire for AWC in Kuala Baram, may not be suitable for all sites. Photo (c) Liz King 2009
AWC is an annual waterbird census carried out by volunteers every January (sometimes spills over to February) at various sites thoughout Asia. Analysis of data collected during AWC help Wetlands International, the organizer, in long term planning for the conservation of waterbirds and their wetland habitats.
The census has 3 major objectives:
1) to obtain information on an annual basis of waterbird populations at wetlands in the region during non-breeding period of most species, as a basis for reviewing of sites and monitoring populations
2) to monitor on an anuual basis the status and condition of wetlands
3) to encourage greater interest in waterbirds and wetlands amongst the public and thereby promote the conservation of wetlands and waterbirds in the region.
The census is mainly undertaken by volunteers from various sources with the community. The sites covered include rivers, lakes, reservoirs, tanks, swamps, coastal areas, mangrove and mudflats, reefs or beaches.
Waterbirds counted during the census include all waterbirds and birds associated with the wetlands habitat.
The census is coordinated in each country by a volunteer national or regional organisation, in Malaysia it's the Malaysian Nature Society. The coordinator is responsible for building up the network of volunteers, sends out count forms, liase with participants, receives and collate forms after the census and compiles and disseminates national reports.
The official dates for AWC 2010 are 9-31st January, however counts from December and February area still accepted from poorly known areas.
MNS Miri Branch will be participating in AWC this year covering the following sites listed below, participation in the census is sought from all branch members and the public interested to know more about waterbirds and birds in general.
Our AWC sites for 2010:
09-10th Jan Go-Kart/Senadin Lakes, Daytrip, FP Musa and Sara
16-17th Jan Curtin Lakes, Daytrip, FP Musa and Sara
23-24th Jan Kpg Masjid Prawn Farms, Daytrip, FP Nazeri
30-31th Jan Kuala Baram Lagoon, Daytrip/Overnite, FP Nazeri and Musa
05-07th Feb Sundar, Lawas, extended weekend, Overnite, FP Nazeri
13-14th Feb Bungai Swamps, Daytrip, FP Nazeri, Steve, Musa
20-21st Feb Loagan Bunut, Overnite at LBNP, FP Nazeri and Musa
27-28th Feb Pulau Bawai, Overnite, FP Nazeri and Musa
Most of these sites are revisits from past year's census (an important monitoring component of AWC) with two new sites (Sundar, Lawas and Bungai, Bekenu) added for 2010.
The past highlights : Malaysian Plover, Grey Plover, Wandering Whistling Duck, Oriental Darter for 2009. Storm's Stork for 2001, Lesser Adjutant 2002. This year we are aiming for more duck sightings.
Come and join us and share the excitement about waterbirds.
Members and the public who is interested to participate can email for further details.
Our AWC sites on the map:

Panaga Natural History Society will also be running their AWC over the other side of the border over the same period, they too may also have interesting sites which are convenient for Mirians to take part.
Link to our AWC 2009.
MNS Miri

Typical haunts for waterbirds.

Not the typical attire for AWC in Kuala Baram, may not be suitable for all sites. Photo (c) Liz King 2009
AWC is an annual waterbird census carried out by volunteers every January (sometimes spills over to February) at various sites thoughout Asia. Analysis of data collected during AWC help Wetlands International, the organizer, in long term planning for the conservation of waterbirds and their wetland habitats.
The census has 3 major objectives:
1) to obtain information on an annual basis of waterbird populations at wetlands in the region during non-breeding period of most species, as a basis for reviewing of sites and monitoring populations
2) to monitor on an anuual basis the status and condition of wetlands
3) to encourage greater interest in waterbirds and wetlands amongst the public and thereby promote the conservation of wetlands and waterbirds in the region.
The census is mainly undertaken by volunteers from various sources with the community. The sites covered include rivers, lakes, reservoirs, tanks, swamps, coastal areas, mangrove and mudflats, reefs or beaches.
Waterbirds counted during the census include all waterbirds and birds associated with the wetlands habitat.
The census is coordinated in each country by a volunteer national or regional organisation, in Malaysia it's the Malaysian Nature Society. The coordinator is responsible for building up the network of volunteers, sends out count forms, liase with participants, receives and collate forms after the census and compiles and disseminates national reports.
The official dates for AWC 2010 are 9-31st January, however counts from December and February area still accepted from poorly known areas.
MNS Miri Branch will be participating in AWC this year covering the following sites listed below, participation in the census is sought from all branch members and the public interested to know more about waterbirds and birds in general.
Our AWC sites for 2010:
09-10th Jan Go-Kart/Senadin Lakes, Daytrip, FP Musa and Sara
16-17th Jan Curtin Lakes, Daytrip, FP Musa and Sara
23-24th Jan Kpg Masjid Prawn Farms, Daytrip, FP Nazeri
30-31th Jan Kuala Baram Lagoon, Daytrip/Overnite, FP Nazeri and Musa
05-07th Feb Sundar, Lawas, extended weekend, Overnite, FP Nazeri
13-14th Feb Bungai Swamps, Daytrip, FP Nazeri, Steve, Musa
20-21st Feb Loagan Bunut, Overnite at LBNP, FP Nazeri and Musa
27-28th Feb Pulau Bawai, Overnite, FP Nazeri and Musa
Most of these sites are revisits from past year's census (an important monitoring component of AWC) with two new sites (Sundar, Lawas and Bungai, Bekenu) added for 2010.
The past highlights : Malaysian Plover, Grey Plover, Wandering Whistling Duck, Oriental Darter for 2009. Storm's Stork for 2001, Lesser Adjutant 2002. This year we are aiming for more duck sightings.
Come and join us and share the excitement about waterbirds.
Members and the public who is interested to participate can email for further details.
Our AWC sites on the map:

Panaga Natural History Society will also be running their AWC over the other side of the border over the same period, they too may also have interesting sites which are convenient for Mirians to take part.
Link to our AWC 2009.
MNS Miri
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Talk and Slideshow : "Introduction to Coral Reefs in Miri"
Some of our branch members are avid divers with PBC Diving, and they have been working with Reefcheck to check out and survey the reefs off the coasts of Miri.
This is the first of their planned community outreach programs designed to be a part of the proposed MNS Miri-Reefcheck program.
Title : Introduction to Coral Reefs in Miri
Title : Introduction to Coral Reefs in Miri
Venue : Pustaka Miri, Audio-visual Room
Date : Saturday, 05th December 2009
Time : 1430-1600 hrs
Date : Saturday, 05th December 2009
Time : 1430-1600 hrs
Admission : Free
Amer, Tisha and Kumar will be presenting. This event is brought to you by MNS Miri and Pustaka Miri, another SMART collaboration to benefit the greater Miri community.
Amer, Tisha and Kumar will be presenting. This event is brought to you by MNS Miri and Pustaka Miri, another SMART collaboration to benefit the greater Miri community.
This event is open to the public, all are welcomed.
Please call Sofina (Pustaka Miri) 085-42 2525 (Ext. 305) or Nazeri 016 854 2212 or Amer 012 625 9121 for further details. Attractive doorgift await the first 50 attendees.

Mini-poster for the event.
Recce for AWC 2010 : Bungai Swamps
An early start to AWC 2010, this is our first recce of a new AWC candidate site.
The area is located just behind the high tide water mark at Bungai Beach. Involves a bit of beachwalking at low-tide and trudging amongst tall grass, could be wet especially so in this landas season.
Meeting place : Taman Awam Parking Lot
Date : 06th December 2009
Time : 06:30-10:00 hrs
The area is located just behind the high tide water mark at Bungai Beach. Involves a bit of beachwalking at low-tide and trudging amongst tall grass, could be wet especially so in this landas season.
Meeting place : Taman Awam Parking Lot
Date : 06th December 2009
Time : 06:30-10:00 hrs
We will met at Taman Awam and promptly leave for Bungai Beach, late starters may want to meet up at Bungai Lodge before 0700 hrs. The earlier we leave the faster we get there, the more likely we'll see some birds.
Please bring your hat, bino, birdbooks, plenty of drinking water and snacks.
We are expecting to see egrets, darters and other waterbirds. For further information, email or sms 016 8542212.

Map to Taman Awam, our meeting point.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Blood in the Water - Bajawi Mini Expedition
A slide presentation on our recent mini expedition to Ba Jawi, Ulu Baram. Text by Tony Sebastian, Ecologist; photography by Rabani HM Ayub, presented by Nazeri Abghani.
Venue : Kelab Rekreasi Petroluem, Lutong
Date : Wednesday, 02nd December 2009
Time : 1800 hrs
Admission : Free, please mention to the reception that you are attending an MNS presentation.
How to get to KRP:

Please call 016-8542212 for directions.
Venue : Kelab Rekreasi Petroluem, Lutong
Date : Wednesday, 02nd December 2009
Time : 1800 hrs
Admission : Free, please mention to the reception that you are attending an MNS presentation.
How to get to KRP:

Please call 016-8542212 for directions.
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Do May 2010
The following away-events are being planned for MNS Miri and MNS Sabah members and any other MNS members in the vicinity and within the same time zones:
1) Mount Kinabalu Climb 14-16th May
2) Birdwatching at Kinabalu National Park 14-16th May
3) Astronomy and Stargazing in Kinabalu National Park and Kundasang 14-16th May
Interested participants are to email to register. Participants are responsible for their own flights to KK, we may be able to organise transport from KK to our base at or nearby Kinabalu NP if participation numbers warrants it.
The following are details as we have them today:
1. Mount Kinabalu Summit Climb 14 - 16th May 2010
Sara has booked the 3D2N package for 6 person for the 3rd weekend (15 May).
Additional cost for climbers are as follows:
RM539 per person for Malaysian
RM758 per person for Foreigner
Package includes :
2 nights accommodation (1 night at Grace Hostel, 1 night at Laban Rata Guesthouse - with heater), 7 meals, climbing permit fee and insurance.
Package does not include:
Park entrance fee, guide fee, transportation to and fro Timpohon Gate and porter fee (optional).
Flight and transportation to and fro the Park at your own cost.
The booking has to be paid within 7 days (on 8 Dec). Not much time!!!
Places are limited as you can see, those interested to please contact Sara Wong directly ASAP.
2. Birdwatching at Kinabalu Park, 14-16th May (non-climbers)
Accomodation at the Park are rather pricey ie.
1. $400++/nite for the Annex Suite which fits 4 (two on kingsize beds, 1 on daybed, 1 on the floor) which includes 3 breakfast.
2. $700++/nite for the Nepenthes Villa which fits 6-8 (1 room with 1 kingsize bed, 1 room 2 twin beds and a large living room which can fit 4 on the floor).
Options outside the park are also available ie.
1. Kundasang Fairy Garden Resort just outside the Park.
2. Coronade Inn in Kundasang.
Participants are responsible for their own accomodation booking unless they opt for intimate group accomodation inside the Park (cost to be shared). You are also welcomed to make your own booking at any other establishment most convenient to you.
For birdwatching, we will meet every morning 0630hrs and 1600hrs in front the Annex, we expect to cover the main looping routes in the Park.
Please contact Nazeri Abghani for more details on birdwatching activities.
3. Astronomy and Stargazing, 14-16th May (non-climbers)
We will be inviting our favorite astronomers Lim Choo Kiat and Kong Lih-Shan for this event. Detailed program is still being finalised, participants will be notified once this becomes available.
Please see Birdwatching above for available accomodation options.
For astronomy activities, we will gather at 2100 hrs after dinner at the Park canteen or Coronade Inn parking lot.
Please contact Ernyza Endot for astronomy and stargazing activities.
MASWINGs flight schedule to Kota Kinabalu for members flying from Miri/Kota Kinabalu,
MH3200 Miri-Kota Kinabalu ETD 09:10 ETA 10:05 MYR 150.00
MH3196 Miri-Kota Kinabalu ETD 14:10 ETA 15:05 MYR 150.00
MH3214 Miri-Kota Kinabalu ETD 17:10 ETA 18:05 MYR 150.00
MH3208 Miri-Kota Kinabalu ETD 21:05 ETA 22:00 MYR 150.00
MH3201 Kota Kinabalu-Miri ETD 07:50 ETA 08:45 MYR 150.00
MH3255 Kota Kinabalu-Miri ETD 13:05 ETA 14:00 MYR 150.00
MH3215 Kota Kinabalu-Miri ETD 15:50 ETA 16:45 MYR 150.00
MH3207 Kota Kinabalu-Miri ETD 20:40 ETA 21:35 MYR 150.00
Air Asia flight sechedule and costs as follows:
AK 6072 Miri-Kota Kinabalu ETD 13:35 ETA 14:20 MYR 39.00
AK 6076 Miri- Kota Kinabalu ETD 14:45 ETA15:35 MYR 48.00
AK 6071 Kota Kinabalu_Miri ETD 07:40 ETA 08:30 MYR39.00
AK 6075 Kota Kinabalu-Miri ETD 13:30 ETA 14:20 MYR 48.00
Flights to/from Kota Kinabalu, food and transport to Kinabalu National Park are your own cost.
1) Mount Kinabalu Climb 14-16th May
2) Birdwatching at Kinabalu National Park 14-16th May
3) Astronomy and Stargazing in Kinabalu National Park and Kundasang 14-16th May
Interested participants are to email to register. Participants are responsible for their own flights to KK, we may be able to organise transport from KK to our base at or nearby Kinabalu NP if participation numbers warrants it.
The following are details as we have them today:
1. Mount Kinabalu Summit Climb 14 - 16th May 2010
Sara has booked the 3D2N package for 6 person for the 3rd weekend (15 May).
Additional cost for climbers are as follows:
RM539 per person for Malaysian
RM758 per person for Foreigner
Package includes :
2 nights accommodation (1 night at Grace Hostel, 1 night at Laban Rata Guesthouse - with heater), 7 meals, climbing permit fee and insurance.
Package does not include:
Park entrance fee, guide fee, transportation to and fro Timpohon Gate and porter fee (optional).
Flight and transportation to and fro the Park at your own cost.
The booking has to be paid within 7 days (on 8 Dec). Not much time!!!
Places are limited as you can see, those interested to please contact Sara Wong directly ASAP.
2. Birdwatching at Kinabalu Park, 14-16th May (non-climbers)
Accomodation at the Park are rather pricey ie.
1. $400++/nite for the Annex Suite which fits 4 (two on kingsize beds, 1 on daybed, 1 on the floor) which includes 3 breakfast.
2. $700++/nite for the Nepenthes Villa which fits 6-8 (1 room with 1 kingsize bed, 1 room 2 twin beds and a large living room which can fit 4 on the floor).
Options outside the park are also available ie.
1. Kundasang Fairy Garden Resort just outside the Park.
2. Coronade Inn in Kundasang.
Participants are responsible for their own accomodation booking unless they opt for intimate group accomodation inside the Park (cost to be shared). You are also welcomed to make your own booking at any other establishment most convenient to you.
For birdwatching, we will meet every morning 0630hrs and 1600hrs in front the Annex, we expect to cover the main looping routes in the Park.
Please contact Nazeri Abghani for more details on birdwatching activities.
3. Astronomy and Stargazing, 14-16th May (non-climbers)
We will be inviting our favorite astronomers Lim Choo Kiat and Kong Lih-Shan for this event. Detailed program is still being finalised, participants will be notified once this becomes available.
Please see Birdwatching above for available accomodation options.
For astronomy activities, we will gather at 2100 hrs after dinner at the Park canteen or Coronade Inn parking lot.
Please contact Ernyza Endot for astronomy and stargazing activities.
MASWINGs flight schedule to Kota Kinabalu for members flying from Miri/Kota Kinabalu,
MH3200 Miri-Kota Kinabalu ETD 09:10 ETA 10:05 MYR 150.00
MH3196 Miri-Kota Kinabalu ETD 14:10 ETA 15:05 MYR 150.00
MH3214 Miri-Kota Kinabalu ETD 17:10 ETA 18:05 MYR 150.00
MH3208 Miri-Kota Kinabalu ETD 21:05 ETA 22:00 MYR 150.00
MH3201 Kota Kinabalu-Miri ETD 07:50 ETA 08:45 MYR 150.00
MH3255 Kota Kinabalu-Miri ETD 13:05 ETA 14:00 MYR 150.00
MH3215 Kota Kinabalu-Miri ETD 15:50 ETA 16:45 MYR 150.00
MH3207 Kota Kinabalu-Miri ETD 20:40 ETA 21:35 MYR 150.00
Air Asia flight sechedule and costs as follows:
AK 6072 Miri-Kota Kinabalu ETD 13:35 ETA 14:20 MYR 39.00
AK 6076 Miri- Kota Kinabalu ETD 14:45 ETA15:35 MYR 48.00
AK 6071 Kota Kinabalu_Miri ETD 07:40 ETA 08:30 MYR39.00
AK 6075 Kota Kinabalu-Miri ETD 13:30 ETA 14:20 MYR 48.00
Flights to/from Kota Kinabalu, food and transport to Kinabalu National Park are your own cost.
Seminar on SCORE by AZAM
A seminar on "Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE) : Benefits and Challenges" is being organised by AZAM in Kuching.
Date : Thursday, 17 December 2009
Venue : Four Points by Sheraton Kuching
The objectives are :-
1. to disseminate information on SCORE to various sectors of society in Sarawak.
2. to gather general feedback on expected social and economic benefits and challenges from the implementation of SCORE.
7.30 am – 8.30 am
Registration of participants
8.30 am – 8.45 am
Welcome Remarks by YBhg. Datu Ismawi bin Haji Ismuni Chairman, Communication Programme Committee, AZAM. Overview of program
8.45 am – 9.15 am
Economic Planning Unit (EPU) SCORE: Enabler to Smoothen the Transformation of Sarawak Economy by Dato' Noriyah binti Ahmad, Director General of Economic Planning Unit
9.15 am – 9.45 am
Updates on SCORE and RECODA by State Planning Unit
9.45 am – 10.15 am
The Prospects of Energy Development for SCORE by Sarawak Energy Berhad
10.15 am – 10.45 am Question-and-answer
10.45 am – 11.15 am Tea Break
11.15 am – 12.45 pm Panel Session 1: SCORE: Benefits and Challenges – Various Perspectives
11.15 am – 11.35 am
1. Strategic Human Capital Development for SCORE
by Dr. Shahren Ahmad Zaidi Adruce,Dean, Faculty of Cognitive Science and Human Development, UNIMAS
11.35 am – 12.55 pm
2. How can SCORE Benefit the Community?
by Yang Berhormat Encik Larry Sng Wei Shien,
Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department,
Assistant Minister for Social Development and Urbanisation (Youth Affairs and Training of Youth),
Assistant Minister for Industrial Development (Planning)
12.55 pm – 12.15 pm
3. Impacts of SCORE on Local Communities, Human Rights
by Dr. Mohd Hirman Ritom, Commissioner of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM), Sarawak
12.15 pm – 12.35 pm
4. Socio-Economic Benefits and Challenges of SCORE
by Dr.Poline Bala (Proposed), Senior Lecturer,Faculty of Social Science, UNIMAS
12.35 am – 1.00 pm Question-and-answer
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm Lunch Break
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm Panel Session 2: Title to be advised
1. (Proposed) Understanding coal power sector (SEB) - Proposed
2. (Proposed) Understanding hydro power sector (Engineers)
3. (Proposed) Hydro-power dams & the environment
by Rebecca D’Cruz, Environmentalist and Chairperson of Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) Kuching Branch
3.30 pm – 4.30 pm Q & A Session
Chair and Winding up Remarks by YBhg. Datu Ismawi bin Haji Ismuni (Proposed), Chairman, AZAM Communication Programme Committee.
MNS members intrested to attend, please email or
Date : Thursday, 17 December 2009
Venue : Four Points by Sheraton Kuching
The objectives are :-
1. to disseminate information on SCORE to various sectors of society in Sarawak.
2. to gather general feedback on expected social and economic benefits and challenges from the implementation of SCORE.
7.30 am – 8.30 am
Registration of participants
8.30 am – 8.45 am
Welcome Remarks by YBhg. Datu Ismawi bin Haji Ismuni Chairman, Communication Programme Committee, AZAM. Overview of program
8.45 am – 9.15 am
Economic Planning Unit (EPU) SCORE: Enabler to Smoothen the Transformation of Sarawak Economy by Dato' Noriyah binti Ahmad, Director General of Economic Planning Unit
9.15 am – 9.45 am
Updates on SCORE and RECODA by State Planning Unit
9.45 am – 10.15 am
The Prospects of Energy Development for SCORE by Sarawak Energy Berhad
10.15 am – 10.45 am Question-and-answer
10.45 am – 11.15 am Tea Break
11.15 am – 12.45 pm Panel Session 1: SCORE: Benefits and Challenges – Various Perspectives
11.15 am – 11.35 am
1. Strategic Human Capital Development for SCORE
by Dr. Shahren Ahmad Zaidi Adruce,Dean, Faculty of Cognitive Science and Human Development, UNIMAS
11.35 am – 12.55 pm
2. How can SCORE Benefit the Community?
by Yang Berhormat Encik Larry Sng Wei Shien,
Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department,
Assistant Minister for Social Development and Urbanisation (Youth Affairs and Training of Youth),
Assistant Minister for Industrial Development (Planning)
12.55 pm – 12.15 pm
3. Impacts of SCORE on Local Communities, Human Rights
by Dr. Mohd Hirman Ritom, Commissioner of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM), Sarawak
12.15 pm – 12.35 pm
4. Socio-Economic Benefits and Challenges of SCORE
by Dr.Poline Bala (Proposed), Senior Lecturer,Faculty of Social Science, UNIMAS
12.35 am – 1.00 pm Question-and-answer
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm Lunch Break
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm Panel Session 2: Title to be advised
1. (Proposed) Understanding coal power sector (SEB) - Proposed
2. (Proposed) Understanding hydro power sector (Engineers)
3. (Proposed) Hydro-power dams & the environment
by Rebecca D’Cruz, Environmentalist and Chairperson of Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) Kuching Branch
3.30 pm – 4.30 pm Q & A Session
Chair and Winding up Remarks by YBhg. Datu Ismawi bin Haji Ismuni (Proposed), Chairman, AZAM Communication Programme Committee.
MNS members intrested to attend, please email or
Invite to Murum Dam Consultation
Summary details of the invite from State Planning Unit with regards to the consultation session with local community affected by Murum Dam.
Pertinent points from letter:
1. Following discussions with the consultant Chemsain on 13 November 2009, the SPU would like to inform all that a meeting will be held with the residents of Long Wat and the committee members of the Penan Murum Development Committee to discuss issues related to the resettlement of local communities under the Murum HEP project.
2. Date: 1 Disember 2009; Time: 8:00 a.m.; Venue: Rumah Panjang Long Wat
3. In line with this, we are invited to attend the meeting and are requested to confirm our participation by 24 November in order to facilitate local arrangements by Chemsain.
4. For information, there will be a special presentation by YB Dato' Dr James Dawos Mamit relating to preparations for the meeting on 30 November 2009 at 8:00 p.m. at Kem Singu.
Programme attached:
30 November 2009
0730 Kuching/Bintulu flight (participants have to cover their own costs)
0900 Bintulu to Kem Singu (transport provided by Chemsain)
2000 Briefing by YB Dato' Dr James Dawos Mamit (State Advisor on Environmental Affairs)Spend the night at Kem Singu
1 December 2009
0800 Depart Kem Singu for Long Wat
0900 Arrive at Long Wat
0930 Introductory remarks by Chemsain
0940 Presentation by Chemsain & Presentation by Sarawak Energy Berhad
1040 Speech by Dato Dr James Dawos Mamit
1140 Q&A session
1230 End of meeting, followed by lunch
Depart Long Wat for Bintulu
Spend the night at Bintulu (participants to cover their own costs)
2 December 2009
Depart Bintulu
Letter signed by Datu Haji Ismawi Haji Ismuni,
Director, State Planning Unit, Sarawak.
Other invitees:
AG's Chambers, YB Datuk Billy Abit Joo, YB En. Liwan Lagang, Directors of Land & Survey & Museum Dept., Resident of Kapit, NREB, District Officer Belaga, Majlis Adat Istiadat, Sarawak Energy Berhad, SALCO, AZAM, MNS and the Wildlife Conservation Society.
Pertinent points from letter:
1. Following discussions with the consultant Chemsain on 13 November 2009, the SPU would like to inform all that a meeting will be held with the residents of Long Wat and the committee members of the Penan Murum Development Committee to discuss issues related to the resettlement of local communities under the Murum HEP project.
2. Date: 1 Disember 2009; Time: 8:00 a.m.; Venue: Rumah Panjang Long Wat
3. In line with this, we are invited to attend the meeting and are requested to confirm our participation by 24 November in order to facilitate local arrangements by Chemsain.
4. For information, there will be a special presentation by YB Dato' Dr James Dawos Mamit relating to preparations for the meeting on 30 November 2009 at 8:00 p.m. at Kem Singu.
Programme attached:
30 November 2009
0730 Kuching/Bintulu flight (participants have to cover their own costs)
0900 Bintulu to Kem Singu (transport provided by Chemsain)
2000 Briefing by YB Dato' Dr James Dawos Mamit (State Advisor on Environmental Affairs)Spend the night at Kem Singu
1 December 2009
0800 Depart Kem Singu for Long Wat
0900 Arrive at Long Wat
0930 Introductory remarks by Chemsain
0940 Presentation by Chemsain & Presentation by Sarawak Energy Berhad
1040 Speech by Dato Dr James Dawos Mamit
1140 Q&A session
1230 End of meeting, followed by lunch
Depart Long Wat for Bintulu
Spend the night at Bintulu (participants to cover their own costs)
2 December 2009
Depart Bintulu
Letter signed by Datu Haji Ismawi Haji Ismuni,
Director, State Planning Unit, Sarawak.
Other invitees:
AG's Chambers, YB Datuk Billy Abit Joo, YB En. Liwan Lagang, Directors of Land & Survey & Museum Dept., Resident of Kapit, NREB, District Officer Belaga, Majlis Adat Istiadat, Sarawak Energy Berhad, SALCO, AZAM, MNS and the Wildlife Conservation Society.
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