Students who recently participated in our Community Outreach and Awareness Program at Pustaka Negeri Sarawak Miri Branch. Our presence in Miri will ensure similar programs will continue to be offered for young Sarawakians in Miri. Photo by Nazeri Abghani.
MNS Branches play an integral part in ensuring the success of the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS).
The success of a branch depends on how well the Branch EXCO execute their duties and responsibilities. During your term in office, you have an exciting opportunity to increase your leadership as well as depth of knowledge pertaining to the environmental issues in Malaysia and beyond.
The EXCO position is not only an opportunity, it is a challenge. As Branch EXCO, you must stimulate enthusiasm and accomplish goals by motivating MNS members as well as public. The Branch EXCO serves as a liaison between Council, MNS Secretariat and MNS members in your state.
The Council delegates certain responsibility to you. Some of these responsibilities will be overseeing the programming and administrative needs of members such as organizing talks and field trips, promoting environmental education outreach and organising social events.
Honorary Secretary
Ordinary Committee Members
Members who want to stay the night will be accomodated at Baraya Laut Resort (mixed bungalow and camping) at cost. Dinner will be provided.
In case members have more brilliant ideas for this year's AGM, please feel free to forward your suggestions to our EXCO.
This year is an important turning point for MNS Miri: most of our current crop of EXCOs are leaving Miri for greener pastures and new endeavours. We therefore require unflinching dedication from a new crop of committee members to continue MNS work in Miri and beyond. This is an opportune time for an influx of new blood with new ideas and fresh new approach. Without new faces injecting enthusiasm to the branch, there maybe no MNS Miri!
MNS Branches play an integral part in ensuring the success of the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS).
The success of a branch depends on how well the Branch EXCO execute their duties and responsibilities. During your term in office, you have an exciting opportunity to increase your leadership as well as depth of knowledge pertaining to the environmental issues in Malaysia and beyond.
The EXCO position is not only an opportunity, it is a challenge. As Branch EXCO, you must stimulate enthusiasm and accomplish goals by motivating MNS members as well as public. The Branch EXCO serves as a liaison between Council, MNS Secretariat and MNS members in your state.
The Council delegates certain responsibility to you. Some of these responsibilities will be overseeing the programming and administrative needs of members such as organizing talks and field trips, promoting environmental education outreach and organising social events.
Branch EXCO Objectives
Branch ensures MNS members get the service they need at the local level. The following objectives assist the Branch EXCO to clearly understand their roles so that they can better serve MNS members:
1. Advocate for conservation of key habitats and species at the branch level as well as in Malaysia. Your top priority is to ensure conservation issues at the local level is made known to MNS members.
1. Advocate for conservation of key habitats and species at the branch level as well as in Malaysia. Your top priority is to ensure conservation issues at the local level is made known to MNS members.
2. Build a future generation of environmentally-conscious Malaysians by integrating public awareness-raising processes into all planning and development programmes and events at the branch level.
3. Motivate civil society participation in planning and decision-making processes at the branch level where everyone can learn, grow and appreciate the natural heritage of Malaysia.
4. Focus on membership growth and achieve a solid voice at the branch level.
Branch EXCO’s Commitment
Three main thrust of a Branch EXCO:
Three main thrust of a Branch EXCO:
1. Growth
Ensure no loss in the finance of each branch. When a branch ceases operations, we have lost an invaluable opportunity to deliver the benefits of MNS membership. Enlist the assistance of Secretariat Office to do whatever it takes to make sure every branch has at least 50 members.
2. Improved Branch Communication
2. Improved Branch Communication
Hold at least 4 branch meetings and 1 Branch Annual General Meeting each year. Use these meetings strategically to ensure the success of the branch.
3. Active Branch Representation in Council
Branch is an important component of MNS Council. Attending and participating in Council Meeting, normally 4 times in a year ensures branch involvement in MNS policy decision making process. It also gives an opportunity to branch to share their development plans at the branch level.
Our 2011-2012 branch AGM
MNS Miri Branch will be voting for the following key positions for the branch at our upcoming Branch AGM 30th July 2011. The exact venue and agenda to be announced separately by Branch Secretary in due course:
This position is presently left vacant after Faye Osman's departure. The duties of Chairperson is presently being executed by our Vice Chairperson, Anura Dason as Acting Chairperson.
Responsible to Council and undertakes responsibilities determined by Council.
Responsible for Branch supervision and operations.
Upholds and represent MNS Society at the branch level in promoting MNS to members as well as public.
Responsible for Branch supervision and operations.
Upholds and represent MNS Society at the branch level in promoting MNS to members as well as public.
Leads Branch Exco in developing annual strategy and programmes.
Chairs the Branch EXCO meetings as well as Branch AGM.
Vice Chairperson
Elected position, presently post held by Anura Dason.
Vice Chairperson
Elected position, presently post held by Anura Dason.
Upholds and represent MNS Society at the branch level in the absence of Branch Chairperson.
Assist in developing annual strategy and programmes.
Honorary Secretary
Elected position, presently post is held by Puteri Shariza Megat Khalid.
Responsible for Branch records and correspondence.
Custodian of MNS Rules and Regulations and other official branch documents.
Submits annual return to Registrar of Society.
Records and read minutes of branch meetings and Branch AGM.
Honorary Treasurer
Elected position, presently post is held by Ernyza Endot.
Responsible for development and execution of financial policies, procedures, audits and controls at branch level.
Receives and disburses funds in payment of all obligations.
Develop and recommend annual budget to Branch EXCO.
Ordinary Committee Members
Elected position, presently held by Musa Musbah.
Elected position, presently held by NorzianaAbdullah Sani. This position is left vacant after Zeana relocated to Putrajaya last year.
Specific role to assist Branch EXCO in areas of membership, public relations, succession planning, establishing conservation and environmental education programmes and initiation of new project initiatives.
Co-opted Committee Members
Coopted by EXCO at the Branch AGM.
Presently position held by Peter Pillai as Branch Auditor;
Nazeri Abghani as Lead Focus Group Birdwatching and Congregating Fireflies Project;
Kumareson Paranthaman as Lead Focus Group MNS Miri-Reefcheck Project.
To assist with the organising and running of specific activities of the branch.
The Branch AGM requires that the total number in attendance should be twice the total number of Branch EXCO members. Attendance of 10 or more members at the upcoming Branch AGM would ensure another succesfull AGM for Miri Branch.
Our branch AGM presents a great opportunity for members to meet and catch up especially on branch matters as well as our collective aspirations for the branch. Our 2008/2009 AGM was held at Lambir Hills National Park complete with barbeque dinner, late-nite jaunt into the rainforest and jungle trekking the morning after. 2009/2010 AGM was more sedate with a group sit-down dinner at Kelab Rekreasi Petroleum, Lutong. 2010/2011 AGM was held at Baraya Laut Resort with BBQ in the drizzling rain, slideshows of past activities and trekking the morning after.
The Branch AGM requires that the total number in attendance should be twice the total number of Branch EXCO members. Attendance of 10 or more members at the upcoming Branch AGM would ensure another succesfull AGM for Miri Branch.
Our branch AGM presents a great opportunity for members to meet and catch up especially on branch matters as well as our collective aspirations for the branch. Our 2008/2009 AGM was held at Lambir Hills National Park complete with barbeque dinner, late-nite jaunt into the rainforest and jungle trekking the morning after. 2009/2010 AGM was more sedate with a group sit-down dinner at Kelab Rekreasi Petroleum, Lutong. 2010/2011 AGM was held at Baraya Laut Resort with BBQ in the drizzling rain, slideshows of past activities and trekking the morning after.
Our tentative plans for 2011-2012 AGM:
1430 hrs Members' Registration
1500 hrs AGM Proceedings and Reports
1500 hrs AGM Proceedings and Reports
a) Chairman's Report
b) Treasurer's Report
c) Feedback on Report
1600 hrs Election of New Committee
1700 hrs End of AGM Proceedings
1800 hrs Dinner (BBQ and Kelupis)
1900 hrs Sg Raan Fireflies Cruise (Members meet at Bakam Jetty)
2200 hrs Stargazing at Baraya Laut for overniting members.
Members who want to stay the night will be accomodated at Baraya Laut Resort (mixed bungalow and camping) at cost. Dinner will be provided.
In case members have more brilliant ideas for this year's AGM, please feel free to forward your suggestions to our EXCO.
This year is an important turning point for MNS Miri: most of our current crop of EXCOs are leaving Miri for greener pastures and new endeavours. We therefore require unflinching dedication from a new crop of committee members to continue MNS work in Miri and beyond. This is an opportune time for an influx of new blood with new ideas and fresh new approach. Without new faces injecting enthusiasm to the branch, there maybe no MNS Miri!
Your support to ensure the success of our AGM and smooth execution of future branch activities is crucial. Come join us and together help shape the direction of MNS Miri Branch. Only paid-up members up to 31-July 2011 onwards are eligible to vote and/or run for the upcoming 2011/2012 election.
Please email mnsmiri@yahoo.com if you'd like to be involved and serve on our new EXCO. Your contribution our Society will ensure we still have a vibrant group of people realising MNS mission and Vision in this community.