CK Lim, as he is better known, has been a keen amateur astronomer for almost 20 years. He has been a member of the USM (Universiti Sains Malaysia) Astronomy Club since 1990, and has participated in numerous astronomy clubs and conferences in the USA over the years. Among the numerous specialties in the field of astronomy, En. Lim has special interest in astrophotography, telescope making and public education on astronomy.
Part I of the event consists of a streetside astronomy, followed by a talk and slideshow at Pustaka Negeri.
Part II of the event is an overnite astronomy camp at Borneo Tropical Rainforest Resort right after the talk at Pustaka.
To introduce amateur astronomy as a fulfilling hobby and to cultivate deep interests in the sciences amongst young people in Miri.
Part I: General Astronomy 11th July 2009
A SMART collaboration between PUSTAKA MIRI and MNS Miri Branch. This segment of the program is open to all Miri schoolchildren, the public and staff of Pustaka Negeri.
Participants will be exposed to general astronomy, handling of telescopes, our galaxy and galaxies around us. The Miri public is invited to drop by and have a chat on astronomy at Miri City Fan and/or Pustaka Miri at the time below:
Day One 11th July
0800 Arrival of Lim Choon Kiat at Kong Lih-Shan at Miri Airport
0900 Streetside Astronomy on Miri City Fan Grounds
Basics about Telescope Use and Handling Telescopes for Astronomy
1200 Break for Lunch
1315 Registration at Pustaka Miri, Registration for Astronomy Camp
1400 Talk and slideshow at Pustaka Miri (open to all)
Basics of Astronomy and The Joys of Stargazing
1600 End of Talk and Slideshow
Part II: ASTRONOMY CAMP 11-12th July 2009
A collaboration between BORNEO TROPICAL RAINFOREST RESORT and MNS Miri Branch.
This segment will give opportunity to participants to gaze at the nite stars, learn more about the Milky Way and other galaxies around us. There will be a segment on rocket building and rocket launching for our future astronauts.
This segment is open to registered paid participants 13-16 years of age with expressed parental consent.
Borneo Tropical Rainforest Resort have agreed to host this one night camp at their facility after the talk and slideshow at Pustaka Miri. Registration for the 1D/1N Astronomy Camp will take place before the talk. Camp participants will be transported to BTRR facility at the conclusion of the slideshow.
The Camp will cover a talk at Pustaka Miri on Saturday, Stargazing and Building Rockets at the core events to be held at BTRR grounds. There will also be additional sessions of familiarization with telescopes and tools for Astronomy at the Pustaka grounds during our streetside astronomy sessions 0900-1100hrs Saturday.
This program is open to all Miri schoolchildren ages 13-16 years old. Parental consent is an absolute requirement during registration. We will open the program to older persons when we have extra slots available.
There will be a $45/student registration fee for those participating in the overnite Astronomy Camp. This will cover transport to-from BTRR to Pustaka Miri; insurance coverage in case of any eventualities; buffet dinner, supper, breakfast and snacks at BTRR.
All participants will be awarded a participation certificate. There will also be a “Top Rocket” prize for best rocket launched.
The following details are required during registration:
1) Parental Consent
2) Parent’s Contact Number
Places are limited to 40 students only.
Parents are encourage to drop-off their children promptly 1330 hrs Saturday 11th July and pick-up 1230-1300 hrs Sunday 12th July 2009.
Day One 11th July 2009
1630 Camp participants hop on a bus to take them to BTRR
1700 Arrival at BTRR,
Check-in and familiarisation
1800 Dinner
1900 Stargazing I
2100 A primer on Making Rockets :
Theory and Practical, Building Rocket
2400 Late nite Supper, Stargazing II and Bedtime
Day Two 12th July 2009
0700 Wake up call
0800 Continue Build Rocket,
Final Touches and Checks
1000 Rocket launch briefing,
Launching of Rockets
Award of certificates, Top Rocket Awards
1130 Closing, End of program
1200 Transport back to Pustaka Miri
Please call Nazeri at 085-453185/016-8542212 or email for more details.

Astronomy event miniposter.

Checking out the universe at SMK Lutong during our 2008 Astronomy Weekend in August.

Solar attraction on the grounds of Pustaka Miri at our Astronomy Weekend last August.